I reckon being an Amazon is all about your attitude, or more accurately I think living healthy is all about your attitude.
So while I have the attitude of an Amazon I don't yet have the body.
So has this new change in attitude produced results?
Well sort of.
I started at 59.4kgs while dressed and wearing shoes. I now weigh 58.2 kgs while dressed and wearing shoes. I lost the first kilogram in a few days, the remaining 200grams took over a week.
I am running slightly faster than my first time at the gym.
I have made serious in roads in the amount of weight I am lifting. I am definately getting stronger.
I am not getting very hungry, except just before meal times. More importantly, I haven't suffered any serious cravings. I hope this is because I am eating a more balanced diet. I have upped my vegetable intake, although I could still eat more of them and I seem to be going to the toilet more regularly and without added fibre. Another indication that I am eating reasonably well.
I was a little upset to find out my body fat percentage was 27%, but it confirmed what I always suspected. This threw me a little, but I remained focussed. I haven't had any huge issues staying motivated, I blame the blog.
Great news, my weight isn't going up and while I am not getting any huge losses, I am confident my diet is balanced and healthy. This combined with the fact I am definately getting stronger means that I must be building muscle. As muscle weighs more than fat, my fat percentage must be starting to drop. I have stopped that gradual creep of extra weight.
Finding a daily diet that statisfies you and is still healthy takes a bit of time, but I seem to have worked it out. The diet isn't hard to stick to. Even when I have challenging days, the combination of following my routine, remaining motivated and not suffering seriously strong cravings has kept me on track.
I have been to the gym 3 times this week. We alternate cardio with weights. I am happy with the 3 times as my body has had plenty of time to recover and get strong. I am tempted to try for 4 times this week, but I am thinking we can meet that goal next week. Although, my gains with my running are only small, I have to also acknowledge that it is always easier when you have had some time off to push hard. When you are in the thick of a regular exercise routine, your body can get tired. Hence, I am not in a hurry to go 4 times a week.
I did feel bad about confirming that I was skinny fat. It is a hard balancing act to feel good about yourself and yet be honest about where you are. I stopped feeling bad about it as I know I am doing exactly the right thing to overcome it. This is the best way to feel good about yourself, when you find something you don't like, change it. I find it empowering. (did I just say empowering?)
Also, a haircut helps when you don't feel pretty. Hair looks much better now.
Today I am going to the gym and my goal is to run level 9.2 for 15 minutes. I am sure I can do it.
Good luck all. I hope you are feeling positive about yourself too.
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