Monday, February 8, 2010

Wisdom teeth


So far, not as bad as I was told.

I do have moments of feeling like complete shit. I am not sure why, but I still reasonably faint.

I want to be doing more, but every time I try I just make things worse. Oh and I look hideous. I don't care what people say, I know ugly & right now I am it.

Exercise, I had hoped to do some light stuff today, but the very short walk I went on left me feeling faint & nauseous for hours so I guess I won't be doing much for awhile.

Eating is annoying and my options are limited, so I guess that won't be an issue.


1 comment:

  1. Monday you were storing walnuts, Tuesday peanuts, Wednesday almonds, and today was only a single pea in one cheek. Hooray for progress.
