Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Its been awhile

I would say I have let myself slip. Regular exercise is more like sporadic exercise and eating well has gone right out the window.

Oh, there are reasons and some of them good, but the point is I haven't spent the time really sitting down and refocusing after each divergence from the path. That is why I need to blog, the writing down of my goals and how to achieve them is a much needed discipline that keeps me on track.

Today I had that sinking feeling in my stomach as if I had forgotten to finish my homework, except I know I am on top of my homework. I have been sick, with both a cold and a bad neck. Both things that I don't tend to get when I am looking after myself properly.

So, I need to make a plan and stick to it, make it part of my routine. My routine it needs to change and I am probably going to have to put less time into those social things I do.

Firstly though, I need to consider how this new routine will work around the lives of the people I live with. Lets hope I can make it stick.

Todays goal, eat well and organise an exercise plan. So shopping and thinking.


  1. The Easter crazy is over, it's time to set up timetables that will hold.

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