I haven't done the planning I wanted to do. I am doing pretty well at keeping up with my university work load, but I really want to do the whole eat better and exercise thing. I spent about 3o minutes, talking myself into riding into university today, only to discover that a tyre is flat and I didn't have time to fix it. This afternoon, I shall fix my bike. If I can just start riding at least I will be doing something.
The weather is cold and I am tired from burning the candle at both ends. I like all this stuff I am doing with my life, but I really need to keep focussed and centred. Less drink, sweets (oh sugary goodness) and fats.
At this point I really don't care about portion size, I just want to get back to eating healthy.
Oh and exercise. How I miss thee. I think it might be time to keep the blinds open, so that when there is sun in the morning it can help me wake up.
I was in Brisbane on the weekend and I had a wonderful time. I think what was great about the trip was the variety of stuff that happened. Saturday was gaming and drinking at the mana bar, followed by a play of the Tasmanian Babes fiasco. While not a wild crazy day, it was full of laughter and silliness. At dinner I was entertained by several people who have those enormous personalities, you know the sort that just sweep you away. Ysambart, was in his element.
Sunday, was spent meeting his family and it was a quieter day spent getting to know people and cuddling very little babies. Sunday, was quietly contented, good food, lovely people and a nice relax after Saturday.
I slept on the plane home, Sunday night, collected my boys from my father's and sat down to finish my assignment.
and I wonder why I don't have time to plan, exercise or eat right!
Still, I wouldn't swap it for the world. Life is grand.